About Gihan Manzueta
Throughout childhood I have always been curious about what life has to offer. Questioning God and where we came from became a pass time for me. I would even make a point to open the door when Jehovah Witnesses knocked to get their perspective, lets just say my mother was not too happy when I would do that. As a child, I would close my eyes and see if I could go to another dimension. We do not realize that we are all constantly searching for something in our lifetime.
As I started developing into a young adult I began comparing science and questioning religion, you know normal teenage stuff. Attempting to navigate life at a young age it was difficult for many of us, we all had to deal with becoming an individual, but wanting to fit in. On top of Teenage self discovery we are placed into these categories picked by our parents, family members, television, magazines, social media and peers. The categories are based on expectations picked by everyone and now you are left in the world figuring out where you belong.
Fast Forward to today, well a few years ago I began actively trying to figure out my place in this world. Based on what success looks like I accomplished all those things that I was told you needed to be successful or at least what I was led to believe. I was very content with my career, a family, a home, a family vacation, but I still felt like something was amiss.
I began to feel the need to watch and read books from people that were achieving success and were building this life of happiness but it was based on manifesting things, creating detailed goals, going away to weird yoga retreats or something. The point is I was intrigued, but remember I still believe in God but had strayed away from that part through this journey as well, more on that eventually. Let’s just say church folk were not very welcoming because I did the kid thing, before the married thing, and because I asked WHY A LOT! I allowed the church to get in the way of God.
My Joy was found when I removed the expectations that were placed on me. My Marriage has never been better and I am living the life I thought I needed to be 60 years old to achieve. When I immersed myself in the books, the courses, podcasts, etc I realized that everyone gives you the beginning and the end of their story but never the middle which holds the key. The middle that was left out from all the experts' messages is what I needed. What are the actionable steps that got the experts from point A to Point B is what was missing. I wrote it down, I prayed, I cried and I created the steps that helped me. I began to share it with friends and family until I created the workshops and One on One that has helped transition so many go from temporary happiness to a Joyous life of Manifesting through God.